Rogers is playing with smoke and mirrors. Whether it’s claims of increased broadband investments or a future regional office in Calgary, the sole purpose of these promises is to mask the smell of a rotten deal.8 If Minister Champagne and Trudeau allow this deal based on Rogers’ wishy-washy promises, Albertans will be left holding the bag.
There is absolutely nothing holding Rogers accountable to fulfilling their word. Once all is said and done, there is no way to guarantee that Rogers will not default on everything they’ve promised Albertans — just like the T-Mobile/Sprint merger in the United States.9,10 T-Mobile promised its mega-$$$ buyout of Sprint would create new jobs, but in fact, The Wall Street Journal reported that the company actually cut jobs post-merger.11 Sound familiar?
Let’s be clear. Buyouts exist to save companies money — not to spend money on new Alberta offices, build out Internet to rural communities, or invest in the West. They’re doing this to make billions by mowing down the competition.