QUIZ: CanCon or CanCan’t?
Bill C-11 wants to hand the CRTC power to rule over what audio and video material counts as “official” Canadian Content (CanCon) on almost all online services, including Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon Prime. The point of CanCon is to promote Canadian stories — but what stories are up to snuff, according to the government?
You might be surprised that your favourite movies and TV shows might not meet the official standards to be considered CanCon! This strict points system is choosy about which parts of a production count towards "Canadian-ness". The result? Content we’d all recognize as quintessentially Canadian slipping through the cracks.
Think you can tell the difference between CanCon and not? Take the quiz to find out which films and TV shows are certified “Canadian” — according to our government.
1. Yellowjackets

NOPE, not CanCon! Although the series is set in the Ontario wilderness and shot in British Columbia, it doesn’t meet the rigid requirements to be official Canadian content.
CORRECT! Not CanCon! Although the series is set in the Ontario wilderness and shot in British Columbia, it doesn’t meet the rigid requirements to be official Canadian content.
Source | CPTC
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Sorry but Scott Pilgrim is NOT CanCon! A head-scratcher, considering it is based on a comic book by Canadian Bryan Lee O'Malley, stars Canadian actor Michael Cera, and was filmed in Toronto.
CORRECT! Not CanCon! A head-scratcher, considering it is based on a comic book by Canadian Bryan Lee O'Malley, stars Canadian actor Michael Cera, and was filmed in Toronto.
Source | CPTC
3. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Yes, it is CanCon! This urban fantasy film is based on young adult novels written by American Cassandra Clare, and set in New York City starring a cast from the UK and US. Still, it’s a CanCon-certified program!
Believe it or not it IS CanCon! This urban fantasy film is based on young adult novels written by American Cassandra Clare, and set in New York City starring a cast from the UK and US. Still, it’s a CanCon-certified program!
Source | CPTC
4. Jusqu’a Declin (The Decline)

Sorry, NOT CanCon! The film is based in Quebec, directed by Canadian Patrice Laliberte, and stars Canadian actors Marie-Evelyne Lessard, Marc Beaupré, and Guillaume Cyr alongside more Canadian talent.
Correct! Not CanCon. Even if the film is based in Quebec, directed by Canadian Patrice Laliberte, and stars Canadian actors Marie-Evelyne Lessard, Marc Beaupré, and Guillaume Cyr alongside more Canadian talent.
Source | CPTC
5. Turning Red

INCORRECT. Not CanCon! This iconic film follows the story of a young Chinese-Canadian girl living in Toronto. Starring Canadians Maitreyi Ramakrishnan and Sandra Oh, and is directed by Chinese-Canadian Domee Shi.
CORRECT. Not CanCon! This iconic film follows the story of a young Chinese-Canadian girl living in Toronto. Starring Canadians Maitreyi Ramakrishnan and Sandra Oh, and is directed by Chinese-Canadian Domee Shi.
Source | CPTC
6. Gotta Love Trump

You're getting the hang of this. Gotta Love Trump IS CanCon! Sorry to be tricky — but believe it or not, this is a CAVCO-certified program!
Believe it or not, Gotta Love Trump IS CanCon! Sorry to be tricky — but believe it or not, this is a CAVCO-certified program!
Source | CPTC
7. All or Nothing: Toronto Maple Leafs

WRONG. Believe it or not, this is NOT CanCon! Wild that a program based on the beloved Canadian hockey team, narrated by Canadian Will Arnett, and staffed by Canadian folks behind the scenes isn’t officially considered Canadian content, eh?
CORRECT. Believe it or not, this is NOT CanCon! Wild that a program based on the beloved Canadian hockey team, narrated by Canadian Will Arnett, and staffed by Canadian folks behind the scenes isn’t officially considered Canadian content, eh?
Source | CPTC
8. Hevn (Revenge)

Yes, this is CanCon! This Norwegian film is a CAVCO-certified program.
INCORRECT. Believe it or not, this is CanCon. This Norwegian film is a CAVCO-certified program.
Source | CPTC
9. The Kennedys

This is CanCon! This miniseries about the prominent American family is, surprisingly, Canadian content!
INCORRECT. This is CanCon! This miniseries about the prominent American family is, surprisingly, Canadian content!
Source | CPTC
10. Deadpool

Sigh, no. Deadpool is NOT CanCon — despite being shot in Vancouver, starring Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds, and co-written by Canadian Paul Wernick.
You're correct. Deadpool is NOT CanCon — despite being shot in Vancouver, starring Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds, and co-written by Canadian Paul Wernick.
Source | CPTC
How did you do? No matter if you’re a content creator or everyday user, the CanCon points system is clearly absurd and exclusionary.
It’s obvious that our current CanCon system is doing a poor job at identifying Canadian stories. If the government wants to do better, you’d think talking through what’s wrong with the system and how to fix it would be step one, right?
That hasn’t happened instead, the government is laser-focused on ramming through a bill that gives huge new powers to the CRTC, but little updated instruction on who to apply that power for.
Under Bill-C11, we could soon see the CRTC manipulating our online feeds and search results to prioritize the weird assortment of content that counts as ‘official’ CanCon today, AND even treating our personal video posts as ‘broadcasting’ content, subject to ‘broadcasting’ standards.
That’s the last thing Canada needs. We all deserve to freely watch the content we want, and not have our feed cluttered with this broken system of officially recognized “Canadian content”
There's still time to fix Bill C-11 if the Senate acts. But they’ll only do it if they hear from YOU. They have the power to reign this bill in and make sure your content and feeds are safe from regulation and manipulation by the CRTC. Email your Senator right now to demand they fix Bill C-11!