Support device ownership!

Manufacturers are denying us real ownership of our devices. We’re trapped in a cycle of buying new devices without knowing if they can be repaired, how well they work with others, or how long they'll last. It’s called planned obsolescence, and it wastes our money while contributing to a massive e-waste problem!

It's time to break their monopolistic control and reclaim ownership of our devices, starting with a strong right to repair.

Make your voice count! Tell the government that repair options and device ownership matter to us. Sign the petition today to support a stronger Right to Repair and change the game together!

TO: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)

Companies in Canada must respect my full ownership of the devices I purchase. This means I should have control over who repairs my devices, what other products they are compatible with, and expect reasonable durability without being forced to buy new devices constantly.

Manufacturers should be required to provide necessary support for maintaining my devices for a mandated multi-year period after purchase, including access to manuals, repair parts, and software security updates.

Consumers should not be the victim of planned obsolescence, because it is our right to have affordable repair options to keep our devices functioning in our everyday lives. We can no longer tolerate this monopolistic practice that also contributes to a massive e-waste problem. I urge you to take action now to entrench durable ownership and repair rights for Canadian consumers.

This campaign is hosted by OpenMedia. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others. Find OpenMedia's privacy policy here.

Why does the Right to Repair matter?

  • Our basic ownership rights over our devices are being taken away from us. Instead of buying a reliable device and using it for years, even decades, manufacturers want us on monopoly subscription services where they change the terms on a whim. 
  • Real device ownership means control over who we repair them with, what other products they interoperate with, and reasonable durability and digital security.
  • Today we are forced to spend on costly new devices due to planned obsolescence. Devices stop working because manufacturers choose to stop providing support, whether that means necessary software updates or basic parts.
  • Discarding repairable devices hurts us and everyone else. It adds to our e-waste problem, harming the environment and future generations.
  • But our laws can fix this. We need affordable repair options, including mandated parts and software updates for a reasonable multi-year period, and the right to repair our devices with small independent businesses in our area that will do work manufacturers will not.
  • By entrenching meaningful right-to-repair principles in Canada, we can help ourselves, our planet, and our fellow consumers!

Latest developments

The Government of Canada launched promised consultations on the right to repair for home appliances and consumer electronics.1 The OpenMedia community stepped up to advance our right to repair protections in Canada! We submitted over 8,500 petition signatures from this page, along with a detailed written submission to the Right to Repair Consultation on September 26, 2024.2 Click here to see our submission.

We're still gathering signatures and building momentum, and we will ensure even more voices are heard in future opportunities to secure a strong right to repair.


  1. Budget 2024: Fairness for every generation - Government of Canada
  2. Right to Repair Consultation - Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Government of Canada

Press: Matt Hatfield | Phone: +1 (888) 441-2640 ext. 0 | [email protected]