Get privacy done: Stop stalling on Bill C-27

The government is letting long overdue privacy protections FAIL to pass in the last days of Parliament. Every day that passes brings us closer to losing the privacy protections we all deserve!

Parliament’s clock is ticking, and an election could be called at any time. If that happens, ALL bills currently in progress WILL be dropped entirely and may never see the light of day again.

Our privacy is non-negotiable! Email your MP to urge them to break the deadlock and pass a strong Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) part of Bill C-27 into law without any further delays. Write to your MP now—our privacy can’t afford to wait!

To: Your Member of Parliament

Please feel free to edit your letter below.

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What’s the current situation?

Bill C-27 has been stuck in parliamentary committee since April 2023.1 This important bill includes both the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) and the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA), a package of basic reforms and improvements to Canada’s private sector privacy laws we’ve been waiting for for more than a decade. Issues with AIDA and the government’s failure to accept reasonable pro-privacy amendments have slowed everything down, holding up the CPPA and causing big delays.2

Currently, the government is refusing to compromise with opposition MPs who are fighting for stronger privacy protections and a truly independent privacy commissioner. Result? A high risk we’ll lose ALL the bill’s privacy protections if Bill C-27 doesn’t get passed.3

What else is slowing down privacy reform?

The government's push to pass controversial AI regulations, which many view as prioritizing industry interests over consumer rights, is also holding up essential privacy reform. 

Many Canadians rightly want regulations on AI. But the government skipped basic consultations on AIDA, and has repeatedly rewritten the bill even as it sits at committee, leading to chaos. As committee’s consideration of AIDA amendments has not yet even started, keeping AIDA linked to privacy threatens to doom both parts of Bill C-27, meaning we risk ending up with neither meaningful privacy protections nor adequate AI regulations. This will leave us Canadians vulnerable and unprotected when we deserve so much better!

Why do we need you to take action now?

Because this minority parliament may not last much longer, but privacy reforms could be swiftly passed right NOW. We can’t allow the government’s failure to do their homework to pass strong AI regulations to drag down consumer privacy protections with it. Our privacy rights are too important to be sacrificed! That’s why we’re asking MPs to vote on AI regulations and privacy law reform separately, so we can secure the strong privacy protections we deserve right NOW!


  1. An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts - Parliament of Canada
  2. Email your MP: We need REAL AI regulation! – OpenMedia
  3. Canada’s lack of AI framework ‘a bit embarrassing,’ Champagne says – Financial Post

Press: Matt Hatfield | Phone: +1 (888) 441-2640 ext. 0  | [email protected]